iCamlight’s Method

Swift Digital Transformation and User Experience

With the rapid transition to digital, it’s essential that investments in technology demonstrate their worth and provide you the flexibility to respond to evolving clients ’ needs.

iCamlight solutions limited practice is involving new ideas or methods to the way users, suppliers, and organizations develop, deploy and optimize public applications. Our strategic partnership with AWS and Microsoft, the world’s leading cloud service provider platform, enables us to speed up time to market 2-100x and deliver 60% savings in building cost.

iCamlight Services

Advanced Web and Mobile Development

iCamlight solutions limited practice, uses a broad pool of skilled problem solvers to assist you in creating enterprise software application, offering reliable guidance while we look for innovative approaches to enhance performance.

User Experience

With a team of world-class designers, We assist clients in creating simple, compelling, and unique user experiences.

Architecture Design

With the largest, most experienced group of AWS architects in Seattle Washington, We design and develop software solutions that effortlessly integrate into your current architecture.

Agile Development

Our agile development system allows us to effectively plan, design, and launch digital solutions while collaborating closely with clients.

Automated Testing

In addition to ensuring the quality of your deliverables, our automated testing team also enables any modifications you make  compatible on any device.

Application Support and Monitoring

iCamlight solutions limited CloudCare is a unique kind, that provides 24/7 support- and- monitoring service, dedicated to AWS applications, providing your app and its users the support they require.